Student Success Stories

Learn about the impact of Invest Nest as you dive into the stories of some of our student participants throughout the years.


Ashlyn Frost


“Invest Nest first and foremost helped me to believe in myself. With the $10,000 dollars I won and lessons I learned, I’ve written 3 more children’s books for my series.

Now I’m working on taking those books and mass printing them for online sales’, I wouldn’t be where I am today without lnvest Nest.”


Katherine Smoot


“With the $10,000 I won I invested into camera equipment like lenses and a drone’ With some of it I’ve gone on trips with photographers to learn from them to further my skill.

I’m currently saving the rest, but it’s helped to invest in equipment and classes I normally wouldn’t be able to afford for months. I wouldn’t be where I am in my business without having the lnvest Nest’s support!”


Bridger Snow


Bridger’s company, Snow Excavation, is thriving.

Bridger Participated in the 2018 Invest Nest competition. This video provided on behalf of the team over at BuildWitt’s YouTube channel.



Photo of Faith Fitzgerald

Faith Fitzgerald


“Since I had the opportunity of doing lnvest Nest, my business has expanded so much.

I grew from just mule tape halters to adding leather work and am now able to make custom saddles.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without Invest Nest!”


Isaac Hardy


Isaac won $20,000 to invest into his company, My Brother’s Pastry.

With his prize money he plans to expand his kitchen equipment to better supply the demand his baked goods are receiving from customers. 


Adam Posacki


Bergspar is an active clothing company that is in stores throughout Wasatch County.

One of Adam’s favorite parts of being involved in Invest Nest is the people that it surrounded him with that push him forward in his different business ventures.

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Calling All Local Businesses!
Do you want to get involved with Invest Nest?

Business owners can register here! Your local District rep will be able to give you the most up to date information.

How the Competition Works

District Round 1:
30 Second Elevator Pitch

An event will be held in which students will pitch their ideas (no more than 1-2 minutes) to our investors. An optional pairing of students to a mentor will be available. 

District Round 2:
Polished Presentation

Students will present a polished 2-3 minute business pitch to our Investors. The top 10 students will be invited to participate in Round 3.

District Round 3:
Public Presentation

The top 10 students will present their polished 2-3 minute business pitches to judges and the public. The judges, investors, and the public will all vote for the winner. The 1st place winner will be awarded $10,000.

State Final Round:
Public Presentation

The top business presentation from each of the participating districts will come together to compete in a statewide competition. Thanks to our State Title Sponsor, America First Credit Union, the state finalist will receive $20,000 to invest into the growth and development of their business. 

Participating School Districts Social Media Links

Canyons School District logo
Participating Schools

School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Davis School District Card
Participating Schools

Davis County
School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Duchesne School District Card
Participating Schools

Duchesne County
School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Participating Schools

School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Participating Schools

School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Nebo School District Card
Participating Schools

School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Park City School District Card
Participating Schools

Park City
School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Provo City School District Card
Participating Schools

Provo City
School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Wasatch County School District Card
Participating Schools

Wasatch County
School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.

Weber School District logo
Participating Schools

School District

Contact your district representative through social media or your local school.